Thank you for years of sharing your hearts .. each message we read fills our hearts with love 💗
Messages we received that touched our hearts ~
thank you for more beautiful and ethically-intensively grown and made textiles. we truly appreciate the resonance they bring into our lives, an inspiring tactile reminder of less mechanized ways of living.
I want to tell you that you inspire me very much. I wanna make a step in life and do a kind of the same way of life . In the mean time, sweet greetings from Amsterdam
Fantastic clothes. Great work. So thankful I found your website! ;) I have been in the textile industry for about 10 years, but are litterally sick of the fast-robot manufactured clothing. This makes me feel so much more grounded and alive. Many, many thanks.
Namaste. <3
Kind regards
awsome work sweet woman you really create what touches my heart
Thank you again, for being wonderful in our correspondence, for sending good vibes into our world and for sharing your beautiful creativity :)
Thankyou for your care ❤
I feel very good i am supporting your way of making clothing and using the earth and its natural resources with soul
I really love your pieces and how they reflect on earths naturals beauty
I feel part of something good and beautiful as I sense a sweet community spirit around your work.. So beautiful, so necessary, Thank You 💚🍀🌿
Heyy!! :) Wonderful thank you so much for your inspiration! ♥️ I'm so proud to be able to feel and see the love put into your pieces of art and I feel my true self aspiring 🌺💚
Hello ! :) I am so happy ! I just received the package! Thank you so much for everything 💗 This is wonderful! 💗I love it from the bottom of my heart 💗And thank you also for your kindness and your listening 💗
Love & Light
Yes, I’m going to walk as I’m kissing the earth with my feet, and my sole is kissing all of you! Thank you so much!
you have been so kind to me I have no words for that and my gratitude goes out to you!! I wish we could have a green smoothie together!! ;) bless you.
It feels so amazing consciously gradually shifting the clothes on my and my families bodies truely aligning with earth, values and nature so thank you for all the goodness you are so magical creating.
Thank you so much for the most beautiful clothes. Made with love for earth and nature!
Oh this is wonderful thank you.i adore and align so much with the connection love and purpose of all your clothing thank you for making it for us all xx
I loved my experience shopping with your company,
everyone that helped me along the way was very kind
I love the ethics and values of your company!
Thank you and many blessings!
Aloha beautiful people. Thank you for the wonders you are creating with our Mothers gifts. I am grateful to every being that is involved in the making of these unique pieces of earth. Many blessings from your sister on the other side of the world. May light shine on your path and love be with and within you always
Thanks for your existence
I just wanted to write to you and say I absolutely love your page and everything on it. I am in awe it is so unique. your photos look so beautiful I just want to jump right into the photo and join you all😁
Thank you and namaste.🙏
Hello dear ❤❤❤ yesterday I received a dress from you, I really appreciate the massage, the blessing in the packet ❤ every time I'll wear that beautiful dress, I'll walk as kissing the Mother ❤❤❤ I've already see your video here on Instagram.. and it makes me cry, it's an honour for me wear a dress made by you beautiful human being ❤❤❤ lots of love and blessings to you all ❤🙏🌿❤ a big cosmic hug ❤❤❤
Hello Primitive Tribal loving you,
I have just recieved the parcel, and I wanted to let you know that everything fits pertectly
Beautiful clothes as always, always making me feel closer to the identity I want to shine out . Thank you.
Much love to you , NomadSpirit. Gratitude for your way if contributing to the rise of the 'féminin sacré'.
I wanted to compliment you on your philosophy and on all the passion and care you put into your work! I hope my purchase can, in a small way, help and support you! again congratulations for all your work!
Hi I just wanted to send a huge thank you for my amazing beautiful clothes, I absolutely love each item.. I love what you Stand for and what your vision is.
I am sending love, light and blessings on you’re continued journey.
I feel your clothes have the vibration from nature.
I feel it, taste it, and it gives me abundant life.
Thank you for all staffs,creaters,makers.
Thank you
Thank you so much beautiful creators of these threads! I’m always grateful to support a small, family run eco-conscious business 💗 Blessing to you all!
I looooooove your store I love your pictures and I looove everything!
I felt identified. I felt like I found my breed my people. I found me inside out.
May you be as successful as your spirit.
Much love
Thank you so much! All the clothing you are gifting the world is pure magic!
May the power of love and sunshine in your heart be with you always dearest Orly! Blessings in abundance, Peace, Love and Light on your path. Feel a warm hug from my heart....All the best...and thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’d do anything I can to support you! You’re by far my favourite shop on Etsy and in the world haha! even in shops in my local town they never treat me as nicely and speak to me as nicely as you do! Thank you so much for answering all my questions. Oh my goodness. Every time I talk to you, you blow me away with how amazing and so beautifully kind but also how professional you are at the same time, you honestly brighten up my days with your lovely understanding words and kindness.
I’m so very grateful for that! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! That makes such a huge difference to me and I’m unbelievably exited and over the moon! I just want to say thank you a million times !!you are wonderful!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you’re making them for me. It feels so special and magical to wear items like that, I have so much respect for the time and effort you’ve put in for me, truly grateful for your craftsmanship and artistry! It’s a blessing to receive these from you. Thank you❤️🙏🌼🌻
I fell in love with your clothes. Usually I have problems finding the clothing that I like and that represents myself and to me your brand is more than just clothes, it’s someone who somehow understands me 😍
I’m determined to get the clothes of my dreams and hopefully start a new, clean living, natural wearing lifestyle! ☺️🌼🙏✨☺️🙏
thank you so much for creating and filling the world with so much beauty!
Hope you have a great day,
☺️🙏 Xxxx
I was stunned when I saw such beautiful art, and people in your art. Very good work! And empowering!
Namaste beloved Orly!
Such a deLight to witness your sublime project of magic clothing that weave in integrity and profound beauty the natural sacred fibres of Mother Earth 🙂
Thank you for giving birth to such a beauty ❤
May you have a blissful day!!!
Hugs in the tender softness of love ❤ ❤ ❤
I just have to thank you, this dress is meant to be my wedding dress and when it came today and I put it on with the rest of my wedding aunsomble I very nearly started to cry, I've never felt more like myself, or more beautiful in anything else 💙 this dress is really a simple and primitive blessing, which is really the best kind 💙 may the sun smile on you always, and may the moon guide you through every venture you enter
Oh amazing! Thank you for answering so quickly.
I’m in love with your creations! You inspire me so much in my journey to express my true self. Slowly switching my clothes to all natural materials.
Thank you 💗
Blessings to you all
What a beautiful work you have done here!
I love every item you created and sent me and they are so precious.
✨Hi My beautiful Friends!
Order arrived today...super quick! As always just perfect! Grateful to you all for your vision and artistry.
Peace love and light
Cris 🙏✨
Happy Earth Hour for tomorrow! 🌍🐳🐬🌊🌍🐡🐋🐟🌍🐾👣🐾👣🐾👣
Bless our mother earth and her oceans
✨Hi everyone
Dress, beads and skirt panel arrived today! Simply Magical the design,fabric earthy colours such a beautiful feeling from every item
Sending Peace Love and Light ✨
Step lightly 👣
i feel so good about the feeling you have for the earth
i love your world and what you care about people and who you are :)
your outstanding :)
Thank you so much for sharing and shining light (:
Thank you for your beautiful energy and for the love you spread to earth, people, and this universe.
you are my favorite shop and i really like to support you...I´m going to learn to support also myself and taking my dreams and wishes seriously, not only for my loving ones around me...so I turn back to you!
Sunny greetings of overflowing:)
Thank you so much for the beauty and love that you bring with the clothes. I feel so much care for our planet in your creations. Thank you thank you!
Thank you truly for sharing your gifts! I am ever grateful for the lovely threads that reflect my spirit gifting me to fully embody me!
Sometimes I come to visit this page just to watch the beauty of people. Since I lost interest in mainstream fashion your creations has been my favorite inspiration, it is so much more than cloths in here... Such a beautiful pictures of lands and humans. Spreading the raw wonderfulness of life. Namaste, thank you, Primitive
A big thank you for your creations and the awareness and consciousness you're raising around the world. It's not about your clothes for me... it's more about what you stand for... I'm feeling happy to support your initiative.
I am at a loss for words. You have a lovely giving soul. Your thoughtfulness is so heartfelt. You work hard on what you do, it shows.
Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity to share with a new found friend. The world truly is a small place with many joys to embrace.
Thank you truly for sharing your gifts! I am ever grateful for the lovely threads that reflect my spirit gifting me to fully embody me!
Walking the earth with you.
I just want to express my utmost gratitude to you for treating me so kind with your amazing creations. Sending you all my love, I truly support your work
I wish you much love and light in this life, you are an angel on the path :)
I really like the clothes you are make. That's the kind of clothes i'm dreaming of ..I Want to wear only stuff like this.. fair and natural based and wow ... so lovely>< :D .. so far so good.. feel nice, hugged and loved and all your crew members too ^^ thank you for your nice work .. really great art !!! yehaa :)
Thanks 💗
I just have to stop and tell you. I have never felt or seen such beautiful souls on Etsy sharing their wears and arts. Im truly touched just in seeing you all. Your energy beams !
Peace Love to you all
Hello dear friend !
Your job is very great, high quality, soo beautiful !! I adore it, and although I don't have big wallet, I want to reward your work and your values, your principles of respect of "Mother nature", and people who live in harmony with it. I hope that I contribute to preserve all of that with my purchase.
Best regards, thank you,
Wow... thank you very much; deep appreciation and thanks to you and your team!!!!! :) :) :) :)
keep on doing what you're doing and creating such wonderful clothing - you know I'm a massive fan!!
big love and brightest blessings to you xxxxx
Thanks for all your kind help and patience with my order and exchanges. Love all that Primitive Tribal Crafts is and represents
Dear You All, who take part in doing these amazing things,
Since I found PrimitiveTribalCraft, for me week cannot pass without looking at yout items. They give me so much inspiration. I also sew clothes using mostly natural textiles, but also inspiration to life.
Everything I can see on your page shows so much of love and sensitive attitude to the nature and connection to each other and to the Earth.’
A big thank you for your creations and the awareness and consciousness you're raising around the world. It's not about your clothes for me. it's more about what you stand for... I'm feeling happy to support your initiative.
Stay true
You're shop and reason behind the clothing is such a blessing to me and I'm happy to become a part of it! Thank you!!!
I just received my package and the packaging alone.. I can tell that a thought process of love was implemented.. I love my stuff. Thank you so very much for your time.
thank you for giving me plenty of reasons to support your vision!!
I'm so happy unwrapping my gifts one at a time..
Ima go crazy with happiness!!
Thank you for your dedication of supporting the Earth, I am humbled to be able to purchase and wear such fantastic clothing. I will continue to support the Tribe.
I am grateful you exist; I just found you, and I think you make some of the most beautiful clothing Ive seen!
Gracias por su hermoso arte quiero desearte mucho éxito en tu negocio... gracias, nunca consigo ropa así y quisiera vestirme así toda mi vida, amo tu tienda muchas bendiciones
Looove your site so much just looking at the same pictures over and over again so much love so much inspiration... amazing how so much energy can flow through a computer... .thank you so much for doing what your doing you make a lot of people happy... at least me !!!
Wow its sooo amazing to receive your messages there is so much energies so much loove in them it fills my heart with soo much joy n beauty, i'm soo happy to have found your website n your clothes n i'm so excited for them to arrive... hope not to bother you to much with my river of words, but its just soo wonderful to feel connected to something soo deeply and to see that there is a life out there that is filled with soo much beauty mystery wonders n colour... thanks for beeing you n thanks for speaking sooo kind to me... looove n hugzz
Aloha family thank you for weaving all of your magic for us all!!
All items are pure masterpiece of art, no words for explain, thanks a lot for all what you do, it's pure expression of beauty and art. deep bow!
Thank you for your work, I dearly appreciate it. You're vision is so loved and honored. Blessings and light
thanks again for trying to help .. customer care , obviously you run an outstanding ethically conscious business so grateful .
Must say, I very much appreciate your intentionally crafted, earthy works of art! original designs made directly from Mama Gaia by loving hands, and to be able to share the message of supporting slow, healthy and useful fashion simply by what we adorn our temples with.
May you thrive in the light of pure bliss,
Wholeness your way ~
Hi there Nomad SpiRit, just want to let You know that your craft it is so inspiring free sensation of peace and agape in eternal Waken blessing
thank You so much,
Just so you know, you've been the nicest people to deal with. I've met a lot of different people on Etsy and everyone is very nice but there's something about you and your group you guys go out of your way and I really appreciate it XOXO
Hello Beauty
My man and I really feel, enjoy and celebrate all the beauty which your cloth brought to our life. :-D
I´m so happy, finally most of my cloth is fairmade, in high quality and earthly - in feeling, in doing and in handling - fantastic.
I send you love, bless and sunshine,
Hi there! I thank you for your beautiful items, the world needs more of that..
Your art touched a part of me i always knew was there.
You have brought it to the surface and given it dimention life . I am grateful
I don't know but my friend I don't think there should be much alarming or we should put much time into a small thing
we have to enjoy time
little things such as this don't need much attention
we need to love, live experience, go in adventures make memories
we shall just enjoy
that's why I didn't want to bother you about it to begin with
because for me those pants
yes I might not be able to wear them
but who knows maybe they were never meant for me
maybe they were meant for somebody else
someone who can wear them who needs them
and I want to gift them to someone who will use them and appreciate the work you did :)
I might not have money, a big car or something like that
but I have all I need
love, peace
only hope to be everyday better than i was yesterday
im not perfect and i dont want to be perfect, perfection is just a word created by us humans, such thing doesnt even exist
but all I want is to be the best i can be not for competing, not to feel im better than anyone else or to compare myself
but to learn, to follow the path of happiness, love, compassion, comprehension, wisdom, kindness, peace
so my friend all i hope is the same for everyone else and i try to help others as much as i can
things are just things
once my body is not longer holding my spirit
once my energy has been released and im free
i will not need anything
and right now i dont need much
the less i have the less clutter
the happier i feel
the more freedom i have
and the vibes and energy is better
and this is how i truly feel
Blessings, Love & Light 🙏❤️
~ Primitive Tribal Craft ~
Super excited today, First… I awoke for another day to benefit all beings as much as possible, and Second… I received my harem pants in the mail. I absolutely love them… Beautiful clothes made by Beautiful Hearts. Thank you, Namaste and lots of Love!!!
P.S. I love the note card as well… I absolutely will… She is very Sacred and deserves our respect♡
As I read the many wonderful reviews, my heart is filled with such love, joy, and peace to know that there are brothers and sisters who share the same light and energy. Brings tears to my eyes, everyone saying something that I wholly believe and feel. Again like the many before have said, thank you for sharing the beautiful creations you have made from Mother Earth. I wear each item with a feeling of love and inspiration and hope to share that light to others so they too can see the beauty shared and created by you. Love, light and warm blessings